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Steps To Take After A Car Accident: Advice From Car Accident Lawyers


After a car accident, most people feel troubled and disoriented. In these situations, it is very important to know what actions will be most helpful to take right away not only for your health, but also for getting the most justice in the later legal processes.

Whenever you are involved in a car accident, your main goal should be to protect lives. When assessing the severity of the situation, it is also essential to make sure all the passengers in the car are alright and not injured. However, if any person is wounded, you need to call 911 immediately. 

Legal Things to Do after a Car Accident

Once you are convinced that everyone is safe, if it is possible, try to drive your car to a safer area, however do not leave the scene of the accident. Turn on your blinkers so that other drivers will see you, especially important at night.

It is also relevant to report the accident incidence to the police even if the accident is minor. Reporting to the police can be of help, especially when filing claims to an insurance company or in case of any subsequent legal action. When waiting for the police, ensure you collect some vital bits of information.

Documenting the Scene: Here is What You Need to Know

The initial step is to collect each party’s contact information, insurance provider and policy number, and document their vehicle’s make, model, color, and license plate number. You should however refrain from blaming or making statements that would look like an admission of wrongdoing.

Capture pictures of the scene of the event from different perspectives and orientations, capture the positions of the cars, their state, and the condition of the road. These photos can be a valuable support to your insurance claim or for other legal steps that you are going to take.

In case there are witnesses present, you should request for their details as well. They will be instrumental in presenting the facts of the case; to shed light on the matter. When you get all the information you want, if the police are done with their documentation, and they told you it is okay to leave, you can leave the scene.

Seeking the Service of a Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer

Once you have dealt with all essentials above, you should immediately speak with a car accident lawyer, especially if the accident was severe. The legal opinion of a Los Angeles car accident lawyer will be highly useful, since a lawyer can easily explain the intricacies of insurance documents, making sure that you are properly compensated for all losses and injuries. They can also negotiate for you in cases where insurers try to offer lowball amounts, something that is very common with insurance adjusters.

Essentially, a Los Angeles car accident lawyer will use their knowledge of state laws to recommend the best course of action, ensuring that you receive fair treatment and compensation.