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The Impact of AppSealing on Your Business


In today’s digital age, businesses rely heavily on mobile apps to engage with customers and drive growth. However, vulnerabilities in apps can expose sensitive data and lead to security breaches that damage reputation and revenue. AppSealing offers a solution with its robust mobile app security platform that protects apps against hacking and reverse engineering. Implementing AppSealing can significantly improve your app’s security posture and deliver tangible benefits for your business.

Enhancing app security

AppSealing’s runtime application self-protection (RASP) technology fortifies app security by detecting and blocking attacks in real time. The platform utilizes static and dynamic analysis to identify and fix vulnerabilities at the source code level. AppSealing also prevents reverse engineering by applying multiple code protection layers, which hinder decompilation attempts. With hardened app defenses, you can protect intellectual property, encrypt sensitive data, and prevent the tampering of code and resources. This robust 360-degree security enhances trust in your brand and application.

Compliance and Certification

AppSealing helps facilitate compliance with regulations governing app security and privacy, like GDPR and PCI DSS. The RASP engine continuously monitors apps to identify and fix vulnerabilities that could lead to data breaches. Apps are also scanned to validate compliance with OWASP guidelines and ensure security best practices are implemented. AppSealing generates detailed reports to demonstrate compliance to auditors. The certification also allows submission to app stores and builds user trust.

Safeguarding user data

AppSealing uses up-to-date encryption algorithms for local protection of users’ personal and credit information. This also ensures that MITM attacks do not occur when there is sensitive data transmission across channels. In addition, data leak prevention techniques reduce the possibility of identity theft, financial fraud, and compliance violations as a result of unauthorized access to confidential information. Data breaches are avoided, hence incurring costs for liability claims, litigation, and customer erosion.

Lower development costs

SAST and DAST testing help AppSealing spot vulnerabilities occurring in the development environment. This enables one to address the issues of security on time while in SDLC and avoid such problems that are often costly. Developers are also guided on how to remediate the identified issues through auto-generated security code snippets. This makes it possible for AppSealing to ensure security within the coding process, aiding in minimizing the effort required for app hardening during later phases of development. An improved security stance reduces the cost of maintaining or changing it too.

Preventing brand damage

App vulnerabilities that allow hackers to manipulate apps can enable malicious activities that seriously damage your brand’s reputation. AppSealing prevents code tampering and blocks the injection of unauthorized code. Runtime threat detection also identifies and stops the exploitation of logical flaws before hackers can take control. By preventing misuse of apps, you avoid negative publicity, loss of trust, and resulting revenue impacts. AppSealing helps maintain brand integrity in the mobile space.

Enhanced threat visibility

AppSealing provides complete visibility into vulnerabilities through seamless integration with mobile threat defense solutions. All app traffic is scanned to identify malware infections, network attacks, and other threats. Detailed reporting provides insight into the source and nature of attacks to prioritize remediation. Full threat landscape visibility enables strengthening defenses proactively.

Protecting intellectual property

Source code reflection is used to reverse engineer and steal IP as well as identify vulnerabilities for exploitation. AppSealing applies obfuscation to prevent reflection. All symbols and metadata are removed from code to prevent comprehension of logic. Obfuscation is layered and extended to libraries to maximize protection. AppSealing secures valuable IP and prevents the cloning of apps.

Operational Efficiency

AppSealing reduces the burden on in-house security teams by automating protection, testing, and reporting. Manual secure coding guidelines and enforcement are eliminated. Automated vulnerability scans and threat monitoring enable a focus on strategic initiatives rather than operational app security. With AppSealing, developers can focus on innovation and delivering functionality rather than hardening apps.

Improving App Store Acceptance

App stores employ security vetting before approving apps for availability. AppSealing facilitates passing the stringent app review process due to its ability to address vulnerabilities and security compliance issues. The certification improves time to market by avoiding rejection and rework. Mistakes that could negatively impact a brand’s reputation are also prevented.

Reducing development costs

AppSealing’s automated security analysis during the development process identifies vulnerabilities early, when they are easiest and most cost-effective to fix. Built-in remediation guidance also saves time and effort by providing actionable tasks for developers. By shifting app security to the left, AppSealing reduces the substantial costs associated with fixing issues post-release. Apps get to market faster at a lower overall development cost.

Improving app stability

AppSealing prevents crashes by blocking malformed inputs, SQL injections, buffer overflows, and other attacks that overwhelm apps due to a lack of validation. Runtime protection mechanisms analyze and sanitize inputs to apps appropriately. Resource management is optimized to handle spikes gracefully. By hardening app defenses, AppSealing creates highly stable apps that function smoothly.

Extending App Lifespan

Apps secured with AppSealing resist hacking attacks, even as frameworks and platforms age. Reverse engineering prevention also protects the core logic from exposure. The apps continue to function securely over extended periods without significant rework. The improved longevity delights users who can continue deriving utility from apps.

Simplifying Audit Compliance

AppSealing provides ready-to-use compliance reports mapping deviations from standards like the OWASP Top 10 and SANS 25 along with remediation information. Auditors have access to on-demand reports demonstrating compliance control implementation. Adherence to coding best practices is automatically validated. AppSealing simplifies compliance audits through continuous audit-ready capabilities.

Future-proof Security

AppSealing employs AI and ML techniques to identify anomalies, signaling new threats. Protection models are regularly updated to address new attack techniques, device OS changes, etc. So businesses get access to cutting-edge app security innovations as they emerge, ensuring apps stay protected from evolving threats.


AppSealing delivers 360-degree mobile app security without impacting budgets or development schedules. The powerful RASP engine blocks vulnerabilities, exploits, and shields sensitive data to minimize organizational risk. AppSealing also enforces compliance with regulatory policies, safeguards user privacy, optimizes development costs, and boosts app performance. With its multifaceted security benefits, AppSealing is an essential solution for companies operating in the mobile-first ecosystem.